الجمعة، 2 يوليو 2010

The size of the advertisement on the page

The fact that I get through my experiences higher the declaration of Code Adsense, the number of clicks and the reason it gives a much higher likelihood to see the visitor, but provided these are not ads on the right and left of the page, but to be in the middle of the page and close the content ", but far from image is acceptable, otherwise
contravened the laws "

Sizes of square and proved its effectiveness in the AdSense on this Anaksp

And especially the Large Rectangle advise using it

Important Note: Site Toy inert non-renewable does not apply to anything which it stated that this reduces the proportion of visitors and reduces your visibility in search engine (and what entered the search engines??)

The fourth factor, returning visitors and new visitors

4 - returning visitors and new visitors and visitors to search engines, especially Google

A very important factor

After my follow up for AdSense and the way the algorithm to show ads by factors have been identified have been observed that where he came from the visitor to change the ads that appear at no less than 85%

Note the importance of visiting with me the following for you and your Adsense from top value to the least valuable

Let the first Chi facilitate explanation Bodg these default values

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