الأحد، 25 يوليو 2010

جمال مبارك انا بحبه وبؤيده

انا بحب جمال مبارك
وبعد ما قامت الثوره انا بحب جمال مبارك برضه
وبعد حبس جمال مبارك انا بحبه برضه
وبعدين اللى عايز يرد عليا فى التعليقات ميشتمش يا جماعه
كل واحد حر يحب اللى يحبه ويكره اللى يكرهه
جمال مبارك
ان شاء الله جمال مبارك يطلع برائه
هيترشح للرئاسه ان شاء الله
وهرشحه للرئاسه
وانا عملت صفحه على فيس بوك بتطالب ببرائته وترشيحه لرئاسه الجمهوريه
وانضم لصفحه جمال مبارك خمسين الف

انتم عارفين هرشحه ليه
1 - خبرته السياسيه المستمده طبعا من سياده الرئيس السابق محمد حسنى مبارك وقيادته الحكيمه
2 - قصر الرئاسه والنظام مش غريب عليه يعنى مش هيتفاجىء بحاجه
3 -معروف للشعب وتاريخه معروف يعنى من اول يوم هتمسك الرئاسه اكيد التنميه هتزيد ان شاء
بالتوفيق ان شاء الله
انتم عارفين الثوره قامت ليه
- ظلم الشرطه للمواطنين
2- تلفيق التهم من امن الدوله للشرفاء
3-انخفاض مستوى المعيشه
4- شله الحراميه
اللى زى زكريا عزمى وصفوت الشريف واحمد عز واحمد فتحى سرور

وفيه كتير زيهم
واحد هيرد عليا ويقولى طيب ما هو جمال مبارك وحسنى مبارك من شله الحراميه
اقولك حسنى مبارك صاحب تاريخ مشرف
وانجازاته معروفه
وبعدين زكريا عزمى مكنش بيدخل الشكاوى للريس وكل شويه يقول له البلد تمام يا ريس

وجمال مبارك كان فى الحزب الوطنى ولا هو وزير ولا هو مسئول

هنرد الاعتبار لرمز مصر حسنى مبارك

ياريت محبى حسنى مبارك يشتركوا فى صفحته عشان نرد الاعتبار لرمز مصر

السبت، 24 يوليو 2010


Tips make you a professional in the forex market

In order to become a successful trader you must have sufficient risk capital, the loss of it (or parts thereof) will not destroy your soul completely moral - must be able to deal with this ordeal calmly and this should not be to achieve your lifestyle in any way. Your mind must be in the market, not on your earnings. Should focus on the task of exchange and must remain calm, to make trading decisions occasion. Should not be used as the last remnants of earnings ever for trading - the responsibility and pressure will be large too, and your mind Sitoh about earnings, and not towards the development of the market, this potential error would be great.

Trade in the defensive.
The chapters of the football, the most important rule to play defense, not attack. Think about what he could lose the opposite of what he could earn. Forecast assumptions and plans ahead, rather than receiving it. Suppose for trading Defensively, the market Shikhalvk. Calculate the maximum possible decrease. Adjust the points you stop, if necessary, to where they are comfortable. Develop a plan to escape from the market. Then, if the market moves against you, you are ready. Protect what you have.

Develop a plan trading and attached to it.
Should be working every dealer to develop and systematize his approach to trade. He knew the curriculum, or a form of trafficking, may be based on fundamental factors, or technical indicators, or both. Before taking any position in the market, make sure that "your trade properly and profitably. It is important in your plan of trade is to determine the amount of your loss of the center. If you reach that limit. Get out. Committed to your plan and avoid the desire to trade.

If you do not follow the plan, it not have any plan. You need to correct trading plan can be equipped with the confidence that you will need a lot and you face trading under the pressure. Fbotbaek of specific guidance, will reduce the businesses Ojtmalat reckless. Do not follow the plan on trading blindly, however. If you do not understand the market mechanism, or if your balance emotionally disturbed strongly closed all your positions. And always in Dg Astratjitk that do not invest on the basis of rumors, it is the owner of the money that we put at risk. Do your studies before entering the market.

Control your emotions.
Keep in mind that all forex traders are suffering from a high degree of pressure and sometimes suffer heavy losses. And live anxiety and frustration, depression and despair, sometimes it is all part of the game forex trading. In order for a merchant to become perfect, you must learn the ability to control these emotions. Do not leave these emotions that tight control on your business. Temtg and confident that the high concentration of focusing on what you do. Trade must be based on informed rational decisions, not on emotions and the operator. We must learn to take the day off cross in the week that will help the Conservation Tqlbul tension and a positive trend. If you are working well, this is itself a good reward. If your business is not good, the taking of leave will help to avoid shocks and may help you to see that the market a different perspective

If you are skeptical, get out of the market.
That uncertainties may appear sometimes that there is something wrong in your accounts or your plan out of the market is the only way for that especially if:

Know yourself.
Need for a substantive nature and the ability to control emotions, and to assume the status and do not lose the desire to sleep. Although the discipline in the trade could develop a successful trader and make it seem edgy existence of centers in the market. S, but there are many exciting things happen in the market daily, so the trader takes a strict view toward the center and the ability to stand over the short term conditions, or you change your mind and your position every few minutes.

Do not commit follies.
One of the general rules and most important is keeping you in your account balance at least twice the money needed for the marginal status of the account given. Reduce the number of centers, if necessary, and to abide by that rule. May help to avoid trading decisions based on the basis of the amount of money in the account Hamck.

Isolate your business daily earnings for spam.
No hope of significant movement in favor of the status you in the market Vtjartk so the fact that on the basis of hope. Although a great virtue in the hope of a life, it is possible to be a major obstacle to the dealer. When cherished hopes that the market positions, usually violates the observers and investors senior Qguagd basic trafficking

Do not configure the new opinions during working hours.
Must decide a basic plan of work, do not allow fluctuations during the day that disturbs your plan. The decisions taken during the day, to be shown on the basis of price movement or the emergence of a story are often devastating. Formulate a basic pre-trade plan to start before the opening of the market or any position, and then look for an appropriate time to implement the decision had been taken

Take a rest between each trading.
Commented a successful trader. When I get to 90% of the effectiveness of mental health I have started to meet the account neutral. Anything short of that I have started at a loss. To take breaks between trade and other Chaad Moduaipllaswaq to develop a vision, and tend to give a new look for yourself, and confirm how you want to trade for several weeks to come.

Do not follow others.
When everyone starts to buy, they inevitably will take over sales later and quickly when most candidates procurement advisory services, for example, the successful trader is preparing to move to the parallel operation or to take the sales center.

Do not listen to the opinions of others.
Do not let what others say affect your business. Otherwise you will change your mind at every moment sometimes may affect you one view, and make you regret your position not to keep the old is now reaping the delicious fruit

Does not trade in the currencies of many that one
Tire yourself too much if you try to obtain information and entrances to several markets. Learn to know yourself, and the dealer through this border
I hope that Tstfedo of these tips are untested.

السبت، 3 يوليو 2010

Explanation Google Adsense (Google Adsense) and its secrets,

Subscribe now and earn thousands of dollars per month with Google Adsense:: A detailed explanation

This program is a service which allows Google for webmasters to get a good return on material

By placing ads on their sites and get a percentage of gross revenue from all physical pressure on the declaration.

Adsense program is the right of revolution on the Internet, and became affordable for every website owner to take advantage

Material from his position in were not available before the onset of this program.

Google Adsense the strongest ever

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you

My fellow members and visitors noticed recently quite a number of posts inquiring about the nature of google adsense and credibility, and I wanted to touch upon the issue promptly and publicly credible advantage of our Arab brothers as we are giving them experiences beyond the few years ...

My brothers ... There are a lot of people who depend on Google Adsense google adsense a permanent source of profit on the network ... There are many who have left to work for companies, factories, They used their minds in order to govern themselves ....

After this introduction, I would like a simple definition of AdSense:

Google Adsese is a system of propaganda in particular giant google was founded in the beginning of the new millennium, in particular 2003 is official ... And its objective is very simple and is to mediate between companies and companies declared declared then.

Company stated: The company or sites that would like to have intercourse with her a number of visitors for them to market a product or service and thus return them profit .. Hence the number of visitors to the largest offset by larger profit for companies that seek to increase the number of visitors using an intermediary such as google to bring the visitors in return for a fixed price paid by the company for every visitor.

The company has declared: These are companies or sites, whether personal or impersonal, which has a large number of visitors but do not have a service or commodity marketed ... Usually, information web sites or information free of charge, these companies using the google adsense to cover Naqalev and expenses of the site, which increases the profits owed to those companies ....

So google adsense system is a system that facilitates the transaction between the parties and against the facility have a certain percentage for every visitor.

Usually accounts per click is called Click, and such action by the system of payment per click or PPC Pay Per Click.

Here is an example for better understanding of the idea:

1 - Muhammad: The perfume factory and has a site to market manufactured products (perfumes), and wants to buy visitors to this site ..
2 - Khalid: The site provides free services and has guests and uses the system googel adsense.

Mohammed will go to google and tell them I pay for every visitor enters the site half a dollar. Ask google what the sites that would like it to appear, he says, I want my ad to appear on all sites that contain the word perfume or fragrance or smell ...... (And this will increase the probability of click advertising because the page that shows them talking about the same product, which sells for Mohammed)

Khaled uses google adsense and by chance was in the position pages containing the words Perfume, fragrance and Owoo etc. ..
Announcement will appear on those pages ... And any visitor pressure on this ad costs Mohammed (owner of the factory) half a dollar to be divided equally between Google and Khaled (50% for Google and 50% of Khalid and so on)!!!

So google adsense can not be a quorum for it to benefit from each click!!!

I personally use the system adsense on all my blogs and I take advantage of them and thank God ... The Google pay me every month if the amount collected $ 100 and up ...

We ask God that you have benefited from this explanation and asked if I have more present to all your queries.
Do not forget Bdaikm

Profit of 5 dollars a day from Adsense - a new way - and the Guide

Hoany after a long search to increase my earnings even one dollar after I read the books Ktieyer

And did not know my fault nor AdSense

The winnings do not exceed 12 cents per day

With that I have a lot of visitors

Up to a couple of days I went back to the book received a small book, but the forces of serious concept and easy

Petklm book on how to profit from Adsense and Abielmk new ways in which to place ads on your site clicks Aktar What for gain (by error visitors) experience and says you are the author applied his

You will win over 30 dollars a day

Frankly, I applied the first yesterday about his means, who may even Mavhmt not convinced Bay and I encountered as a result of very strong

Look the picture and note the difference in history and in the number of clicks and earnings

30 dollars is not the means, but I can be content What for I have an Arab and can figure Htzid After I ...
Friendly good result for one day Makansh Peixb non-cam cents a start

I want you discernible important ideas in the book and who lay it down here, but the book PDF Omc Arif Move it

I Jptlkm link the book What for good does prevail over all, but I wish you could start Elly has Maibouklc we omitted
Note After you download the book focused on page 8 and who dimensions and SIPC introductions Ptall book because it is the definition of Bicherh AdSense

الجمعة، 2 يوليو 2010

The size of the advertisement on the page

The fact that I get through my experiences higher the declaration of Code Adsense, the number of clicks and the reason it gives a much higher likelihood to see the visitor, but provided these are not ads on the right and left of the page, but to be in the middle of the page and close the content ", but far from image is acceptable, otherwise
contravened the laws "

Sizes of square and proved its effectiveness in the AdSense on this Anaksp

And especially the Large Rectangle advise using it

Important Note: Site Toy inert non-renewable does not apply to anything which it stated that this reduces the proportion of visitors and reduces your visibility in search engine (and what entered the search engines??)

The fourth factor, returning visitors and new visitors

4 - returning visitors and new visitors and visitors to search engines, especially Google

A very important factor

After my follow up for AdSense and the way the algorithm to show ads by factors have been identified have been observed that where he came from the visitor to change the ads that appear at no less than 85%

Note the importance of visiting with me the following for you and your Adsense from top value to the least valuable

Let the first Chi facilitate explanation Bodg these default values

Subscribe now and earn thousands of dollars per month with Google Adsense:: A detailed explanation

This program is a service which allows Google for webmasters to get a good return on material

By placing ads on their sites and get a percentage of gross revenue from all physical pressure on the declaration.

Adsense program is the right of revolution on the Internet, and became affordable for every website owner to take advantage

Material from his position in were not available before the onset of this program.

google adsene is the best

I am blessed Our thoughts and a little before you open a new area of profit and if you have a site like that and because you briefly Hishrah very new, unfortunately, of course, but is a great subject and you want Search
Is important to speak about Google
Google ads
Divided into google adsence - google adwards
The first is Google Adsense friendly Free from the terms of participation and in terms of both their dealings so that:

Must be in the beginning you have a site What for is the Google display ads either free or paid site and be the number of pages on your site, for example less than 3 pages What for something Matkabkosh any problems with them.

- It is essential that your site is a scientific article Aopachtsar Bihtoy on the pages of a useful explanation for the systems and areas Pokerschool Lane Business or to explain any other area whatsoever and regardless of other areas, the highest return for the pressure in the Google Adsense Bacon at the sites Elly B_rah any system for business and return clicks also not fixed but is almost Ptptdy According to statistics from 20 cents per click and above.

There are 3 parties in this process 1 - you. 2 - Google. 3 - the advertiser.

1 - will benefit you commissions on every click pecks visitors to your site for Google ads.
2 - Google will benefit this part of the value-per-click them without tiring, it's here to play the role of mediator between you and the advertiser will assure you and guarantee your right to have their ads without cheating (and Snrdja to the point of fraud because it is very important)

3 - will benefit the advertiser that their ads spread over a huge area of sites without the need to pay for the visitor not only to his announcement.

If Everything here has a role and interest, and everybody here is happy

- Important Note: You must read the laws of Google Adsense very well Before starting with registration affection for you, if followed, nothing wrong with them as an act keystrokes for yourself takes place stop your Omc Htaraf recorded with them in your name once else no matter how you try to, so please read very well the laws of Google's existing site.

- And remains, hard-finished design steps to enter the site lets Allink de We note https: / / www.google.com/adsense/ NB When you register the most important thing to be followed well-written in the right way is: payee name, a name that Haisal him the check to your home - Postal code Zipcode and this should be writing the right way for you not change them once Htaraf else from within your account.

- Log on and log Allink de https: / / www.google.com/adsense/ After completing the registration process
And put all your data correctly Heetm reply to Imilk by Google Adsense after 48 hours either acceptance or rejection, depending on your Web site designed by Elly

- Note: You must have your English so that a lucrative advertising to you as if the site in Arabic Google Htahtlk ads called an declarations of public services Omc will win them: and Yimken that the site is an Arab and in the eng sense that it includes language, but to avoid any error occurs with people de acetic your eng and wind yourself.

- After accepting your Heetm activation e-mail to the email address from within your code will find a Htahth Elly Elly in your site and which takes place display ads. After the work of clicks from visitors to your site "Free or paid" up your balance to 50 million Google Htbatlk pin to your address mail to be sure that you are a real person with them Elly Forgot Password. After Maaisal your balance to 100 dollars Heetm send the check from Google to your address, God willing,

- And this was a very brief explanation of Google Adsense and Elly from which an estimated operate with them, but Google AdWord google adward is filled advertisers to Google's Credit Card required to register with them

Good luck to all

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